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Healy Aura Report

  • 30 分鐘
  • 80 Australian dollars
  • Online


Feeling a bit flat? Or a bit out of sorts and not sure why. Perhaps your chakras are not flowing, vibrating and in sync as well as they could be. Upon purchase I will need you to send me a photo of yourself and your date of birth. This information will remain confidential at all times - and will be deleted from my data base as soon as our transaction is complete. Once I have received this information I will use my ‘healy resonance’ and my energy to tune into you and complete an auric scan of your body. I will then use the Healy resonance to complete a 26 minute distance session with you. All I require of you is a certain time where you can be relaxed and not be disturbed for 30 mins. Upon completion of the session - I will send you a PDF to your preferred email address. This PDF is generated by the ‘healy resonance’ and gives a detailed account of the chakras.



82 Glenvale Road, Ringwood North VIC, Australia

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